Advent – Day 23: Family

You can see the responses for yesterday’s Word for Advent here.

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Don’t worry if you haven’t got involved to date – it is never to late to start.

The word for the day is Family.

You are invited to take a moment today to reflect and respond on the word.

Reading: Matthew 1

23-FamilyWhat does this word mean for you today?
What image does this word evoke?
What ideas does this word trigger?
What would it be like for the word to be a reality in the world?

Do you have a smart phone? Take a photo, or maybe shoot a 10 second video. Or perhaps you might write some words each day (twitter size – 25 words or less), or draw, or paint, or sing… just “hang out” with the Word of the Day and then share your thoughts!

Once you have something respond share it with the rest of the Kippax community.

You could share it via Twitter or Instagram and use the hash tag #Words4Advent.

You could post your response to the Kippax Facebook Group

Alternatively you can send email to – especially if you would like your response to be anonymous – I won’t tell anyone.

At the end of the day a summary of responses will be posted to the Kippax Faith website.

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